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Thursday, November 14, 2013

New Media Senior Show

Just sending a quick note to advise that the New Media Seniors are having their exhibition reception in the Lightwell Gallery today between 5pm – 7:30 pm. This means that there may be some sound associated with the artworks and traveling through the Lightwell.

Also, I would like to advise that we will have two performances, one is a durational piece that would last the entire reception, and the other will go sometime between 6:30 to 7:15pm. This second performance contains bad language, and it can be hard to see for some people, there is no nudity, but it is a strong public disclosure/speech about LGBT and race issues.

You are very welcome to join us, and thank you for your patience this week about the sound. I appreciate your collaboration.

I will make sure after the reception tonight everything get back to normal.
Thank you,

Paula Gaetano-Adi

Assistant Professor in New Media Arts + Area Coordinator
Studio Art Department | College of Visual Art + Design | University of North Texas
1155 Union Circle #355100 | Denton, Texas 76203
www.paulagaetanoadi.com | paula.gaetanoadi@unt.edu