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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Call for Entries:

Metabolic Science in Art
A Juried Student Exhibition at the Intersection of Metabolic Science and Art

Exhibition at UNT on the Square: Nov 8-23, 2013

Application Deadline: October 15, 2013
Prospectus, CLICK HERE

Artists create new ways of understanding by responding to difficult information in our world. New scientific research in metabolic science is presenting information with life changing consequences for people with metabolic health disorders such as diabetes. We invite students at the University of North Texas to make new artworks that respond to information and imagery surrounding metabolic science.

Scholarship Awards:
More than $3000 will be awarded to a selection of students in the exhibition. Collaborations between Science & Art student pairs may be favored.

Andrew DeCaen, Associate Professor, Studio Arts Department Dr. Guido Verbeck, Associate Professor, Chemistry Department

Information Sessions:
Tuesday, September 3 at 5:15pm, Hickory Hall room 160A Wednesday, September 4 at 5:15pm, Hickory Hall room 160A Join us for an information session introducing the premise of this exhibition. Dr Verbeck will present fundamentals of the metabolic diseases and his lab’s recent research in this area. Professor DeCaen will present examples of artists using scientific ideas and lexicons in their work and on his work’s intersection with nutritional science. Come to meet up with students interested in collaboration.

For prospectus and to Apply Online.

This project is funded and sponsored by generous support from:
Office of the Vice President for Research, the Institute for Advancement of the Arts, the College of Visual Arts and Design, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Department of Chemistry.