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Monday, November 15, 2010

Alumni Exhibition

Holly Johnson presents Todd Camplin's Language Reconstruction art series

Who: Todd Camplin (MFA - Drawing & Painting)

What: Showing his Language Reconstruction art series

When: Saturday, November 20 • 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Where: Holly Johnson Gallery, Dallas, TX

The Why: After reading the philosopher Derrida, I find myself consciously reconstructing poems and novels into mental images. Sometimes I am able to capture those word images in abstract ink drawings. Subconsciously I have always seen words as images, because of my dyslexia. So the conflict between image and text is my passion and my burden. The conflict inspires creation and innovation, so through my personal conflict I have transformed words into transcendent abstractions. The words and letters have become something more than language, and these words transcend their meaning. No longer recognizable metaphors for words, the letters thus return to origins as images.
